Sarah Rebecca Kersley
Sarah Rebecca Kersley is a translator, writer and editor, originally from the UK and based in Brazil for nearly two decades. Her translations of work by Brazilian contemporary poets, writers and scholars have appeared in places such as Washington Square Review, Best Small Fictions, Two Lines World Writing in Translation, The Critical Flame, Asymptote, Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere, and in chapbooks published by Toad Press/Veliz Books (Void Odyssey, by Rentao Negrão – 2023) and Bloof Books (romance in twelve lines, by Bruna Beber – 2024). She is particularly interested in contemporary writing by women, and her ongoing research was awarded funding by the Bahian State Cultural Foundation (FUNCEB) in 2021, resulting in the independent publication of Poetas baianas – Women poets from Bahia, with translations of work by twenty Bahian poets. Her own writing has also been published in Portuguese and English. In addition to writing and translation, she is also co-founder and coordinating editor at the small press boto-cor-de-rosa/paralelo13S, in the city of Salvador, where she lives. Instagram profile: @sarahrebeccakersley.